Thursday, December 1, 2011

Lifelong Learning

What does "lifelong learning" mean? Many feel lifelong learning is a term which applies to folks that are constantly retooling for that next job. Others say that it is a term which fits those individuals who are trying to learn all they can about their current vocation. I feel lifelong learning is what individuals choose to do in the pursuit of happiness. It might be about making yourself more marketable, or becoming the expert in your field, but for me it is expanding your knowledge to help one enjoy hobbies.

I have used the tools learned in school to continue my education to become a bee keeper, and arborist, a farmer, tractor mechanic, James Bond Poster aficionado, tobacco can collector, a horse teamster, a home brewer, a farrier, and a pilot. I am constantly reading and have at least three books and six magazines going at once. Right now I am reading Laurie King's Justice Hall, William Kerschner's Student Pilot Manual, and Carol Dweck's Mindset. I subscribe and read National Geographic, Ford Fordson Tractors, Percheron News, Association for Supervision of Curriculum Development, Dexter Cattle Association, Pilot Trainer, Illinois Computer Educators, Special Education Technology Connections and Airplane Owners and Pilots Association magazines.